A Small Worm in the Big Apple

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Watch out for mushy dog poop!

Ahhh... the signs of spring: chirping birds, blooming crocuses, and doggy doo coming out of snowmelt and running down the sidewalks. Lovely.

We had a record snowfall last weekend - it was winter for, like, 3 days here! It felt surreal, waking up to 2-3 feet of snow Sunday morning. And was our neighbourhood ever transformed! There was hardly anyone out walking yapping dogs, no cranky cab drivers, no car alarms blaring (maybe snow is the new sound insulation?). We had to take advantage of all this newness!

So dressed up in winter gear waded our way across the street to Grant's Tomb. The park was nearly deserted; there were a few children trying to sled down a most pathetic excuse for a hill and a dog happily burying under the snow. We ran through knee-to-thigh-high (on me) snowdrifts, spraying waves of fluffy white stuff everywhere. We lay down and made snow angels. Toby went rolling down an actual hill. We discovered picnic tables around back and made a snow picnic. We'd wanted to make snow creatures, but, alas, the snow was that prairie-like powder. Good for skiers and snowboarders, not so good for snowcats and snowgoblins.

I wonder how those crocuses are doing. They were popping up everywhere the week before, and after being buried in snow for nearly a week, I fear they'll not be blooming. The last couple of weeks also saw squirrels building nests. Yes, in trees! Perhaps the warm winter had their fertility cycles confused. I wonder how those nests fared. And I wonder how people can bear to wear sandals with so many lakes at road intersections. And you have to know that those lakes are full of dog poop run-off! Yuck!

Here's a photo from the last time it snowed in this city (back in November). I thought Toby's photo-sense was right on target, capturing this unusually tranquil scene at Sakura park.


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