A Small Worm in the Big Apple

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

8 Random Facts About Me

I've been tagged by Allena! Check out the rules on Chante's blog.

The Rules:(Copied verbatim from Chante 'cuz I'm lazy like that.)
1. Each player starts with 8 random facts about themselves.
2. People who are tagged write a blog post about their 8 random things and post the rules.
3. At the end of your post you need to tag 8 people and post their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment and tell them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Sadly, I don't know eight bloggers who haven't yet been tagged. Does that make me a loser in the blogosphere? Anyway, here goes my eight random facts:

1. My favourite colour is blue. A deep, rich, yet vibrant blue. Think "lapis lazuli" blue. I used to get a near-spiritual feeling upon seeing this shade. That has faded, but I still love this blue.

2. Currently I am obsessed with bunnies. The furry ones, that is. Preferably with long ears and big feet and hopping. *boing*

3. I got into physics because I loved the night sky. Partly it was because I wanted to do something as antisocial as possible, and studying cosmology seemed to fit the bill. Partly it was because there is nothing quite as awe-striking and beautiful as staring up into the stars. Happily, I have since changed my disposition about the former, but not the latter, sentiment.

4. I'm allergic to just about anything that grows. *achoo*

5. I used to write a lot of poetry. Then I took a class on it during university. There is nothing like formalism to drive the passion out of any activity.

6. I have a need for creative outlets. Here is a photo of the doors to our nearly-8-foot-tall wardrobe. I'm quite proud of my very first painted dragons!

7. I'm terrified of water - specifically, of being in it. (Except baths, of course. I love baths!) Strangely, I'm also very much drawn to large bodies of water. If you figure this one out, please let me know!

8. I love to eat. Once, I went from all-you-can-eat dim sum directly to all-you-can-eat sushi. Alas, my digestive system no longer allows such indulgences.


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