A Small Worm in the Big Apple

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Time Flies When...

Wow! Has it really been over a month since I last posted?! Where has all that time gone? Oh right, we've been busy! Just a quick update:

I finished teaching my summer course August 20, and my fall semester began August 27. Hence, I didn't really get a break, which makes keeping my energy for my fall courses a challenge! I've taught the material for both my courses already, so it's just a matter of incorporating new teaching strategies to prepare for this semester. Of course, there is always the constant meeting with students, answering emails, scheduling appointments, creating quizzes and assignments, grading quizzes and assignments, and on and on and on... I wish I weren't so tired all the time! My classes begin early, which means I have to leave home even earlier. Being not a morning person, this hasn't been easy! I'm trying to leave by 7:35 am, and Toby now walks me to the subway station (about a 15min walk) which gives us a little time in the mornings to spend together beefore rushing off to our busy days!

I've changed my commute route, and it has made a huge difference. It still takes a long time (about 80 min vs the older route's 90 min). The advantages are that: (a) my train is super-express, so we spend less time at stations, where stinky hot air gets blown into the subway cars; (b) my train now avoids downtown, and with it, there are fewer Wall-Street-types with big expense budgets and even bigger egos - instead, the passengers tend to be more regular folk and regular attitudes - definitely a nice change!; (c) we go over the Manhattan Bridge, which means I get to see daylight during my commute - this makes a much larger difference than I would have expected! Hurray! The downside is that I do have that 15minute walk. It isn't a big disadvantage, as I have missed being able to walk to work. And I think Toby enjoys being able to stretch his legs a bit more by having a reason to make a detour instead of walking straight to work.

In addition, I'm applying for jobs now. I'm looking for a full-time, permanent teaching position. We're hoping to land in a smaller community, and have both of us employed. Not sure how that will work out, but we can try!

Meanwhile, Toby is busy at work, as usual. On top of his usual crazy business, he's also applying for academic jobs AND teaching a course this semester! So it's extreme craziness in our household these days! I spend long days at work 3 times a week, and Toby, well, he spends long days at work every day in the week.

Let's all hope this is a temporary situation and that soon we will be in a place that is quieter and less crowded! Please? I think we've paid our dues now.


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